Fieldwork Bursary

The Fieldwork Bursary offers funding up to £2000 per applicant to participate in a maritime archaeological fieldwork project in order to gain more field experience. Eligible applicants should be nationals of Lebanon, Syria, Cyprus or Egypt. The bursary will go towards covering most, if not all, of the costs (airfare/ travel, visa and participant fee, loss of income) associated with the fieldwork. If you require a larger amount of funding, please contact Dani Newman for more information.

The Foundation retains the right to select the successful applicant. Selection will be made on the merit of the individual candidate and application, the reputation of the chosen fieldwork project, and the perceived benefit that this will bring to the candidate’s experience and future career in maritime archaeology in the region. The Foundation’s decision in this respect is final.

The successful applicant must be:

  • A national from Lebanon, Syria, Cyprus, or Egypt.
  • Either a student currently undertaking MA or PhD studies, or have completed their MA or PhD studies within the last five years.
  • Be able to demonstrate a desire to pursue a career in maritime archaeology or related field, in the region.
  • Competent in English and the language of the fieldwork project.
  • Successful applicants will be expected to write a brief blog (in English) with accompanying photographs about their experiences for the HFF Facebook page during the fieldwork, and produce a short report for the HFF web site on completion of the fieldwork.


Please also note that applications are considered monthly, on the 10th, with decision and payments made by the end of that month. 

You must allow enough time for processing visa applications etc. We recommend allowing around four months between applying and the fieldwork starting, to enable a decision to be made and for the Visa process. 

Letters of Support

 The Foundation will also help with letters of support for visas and other official forms, but cannot action these at the last minute, so please also bear this in mind during the application process. In general, these letters are not needed before you have secured funding from us. 

If you require a letter of support you can also download and fill in this request and email it to

To apply please complete the application form below.

The Foundation retains the right to select the successful applicant. Selection will be made on the merit of the individual candidate and application, the reputation of the chosen fieldwork project, and the perceived benefit that this will bring to the candidate’s experience and future career in maritime archaeology in the region. The Foundation’s decision in this respect is final.


  • Please provide details about the fieldwork project you are planning to attend, including location, dates, the type of site you will be working on and techniques you will be learning. If there is a website for the project please include it here, or a course outline and other supporting documents can be uploaded below.
  • Please provide more information about you, which demonstrates a strong interest and commitment to maritime archaeology.
  • Please provide more information which amongst other things, outlines why you should receive this support, indicating why you have chosen to take part in the particular fieldwork project and what benefit this brings you specifically. Please include; what training this will provide that isn't available to you in your current institution, what techniques you will learn that will specifically benefit your own development and why, and how does this complement your previous experience.
  • Max. file size: 512 MB.
  • Max. file size: 512 MB.
  • (if the selected fieldwork project involves diving)
    Max. file size: 512 MB.
  • Max. file size: 512 MB.
  • Any other documents including fieldwork/course outline, itinerary etc which will provide information on the fieldwork project
    Drop files here or
    Max. file size: 512 MB.

    Fieldwork Bursary