Minor in Marine Sciences and Culture - American University of Beirut

The Honor Frost Foundation has teamed up with the American University of Beirut to launch a Minor in Marine Sciences and Culture. Housed within the Department of History and Archaeology at AUB, the MSCU program also involves collaborations with the Departments of Biology and Geology. The minor in Marine Sciences and Culture is a multi-disciplinary program of study that applies the principles of archaeology, oceanography, geology, and biology to shed light on human interaction with the sea. Whether students intend to pursue a career in maritime archaeology or oceanography, or simply wish to learn more about maritime history and science through a practical, hands-on experience, this exciting program can complement a wide variety of academic fields.


Students choosing to minor in Marine Sciences and Culture must complete MSCU 201, MSCU 202, and MSCU 203, along with two electives chosen from any of the following departments: History and Archaeology (which may include MSCU 204, Coastal and Marine Environments: Maritime Cultural Heritage), Geology, and/or Biology. MSCU 201 is a general course that focuses on introducing and providing context for the entire program, specifically through defining and exploring maritime landscapes through maritime archaeology and marine sciences. MSCU 202 delves into marine remote sensing and geophysical techniques, the principles of prospecting, and the mapping of underwater sites and environments. MSCU 203 is an intensive fieldwork crash course that puts all the above techniques into practice, allowing students to apply all they have learnt during the first two courses of the Minor. MSCU 204 is the elective course focuses on Maritime Cultural Heritage as a concept, discussing the social and economic benefits associated with the conservation and preservation of heritage, and the methodology involved in the process.

The MSCU course is delivered by a range of lecturers from AUB and the HFF Lebanon team. International experts also contribute to each of the courses, along with visiting lecturers from local academic institutions such as the Lebanese University. This has allowed for a rich and diverse curriculum that provides students with a unique academic experience. The successful completion of the Minor allows students to further explore careers and education in the fields of Marine Archaeology, Geology and Oceanography/Ocean Engineering.

HFF Scholarship

The HFF also offers scholarships for archaeology students and early career archaeologists that are currently enrolled or completed their studies at the Lebanese University in order to attend the Minor course (click here for details). The scholarships cover the university fees and provide students with a stipend. This opportunity grants Lebanese students the chance to learn about maritime archaeology as the subject is not included in any graduate or post-graduate curricula. To find out about current scholars supported by the HFF click here.

For more information on the courses offered see below….

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