Terms and Conditions for HFF Scholarships

  • All HFF scholars are required to submit an annual report through the online reporting system. Details and reporting forms can be found here
  • All HFF scholars must mention that they are supported by the HFF in all public presentations, webinars, talks and events, and inform HFF when they are due to give a talk or presentation so that we are aware and can help promote the event where relevant. The HFF logo must be used in presentations and on any posters produced for conferences, logos and branding guidelines can be found here;.
  • All HFF scholars are required, where possible, to attend and present at the Maritime Archaeology Graduate Symposium (MAGS) and / or the HF conference. Where appropriate, scholars are also required to help convene MAGS.
  • All HFF scholars, when possible, should help with arrangements for the HFF Annual Lecture.
  • All HFF scholars should contribute towards HFF social media, promoting the Foundation whenever possible, further details can be found on the social media tab here
  • All HFF scholars are encouraged to publish their research in the HFF publication series. Doctoral scholars are requested to submit their manuscripts for publication in the HFF peer reviewed Research Series and all MA scholars are requested to publish a summary of their research on the HFF online publication series.
  • HFF doctoral scholars are expected to develop the subject in their home country upon their return at least for the equivalent time that they were recipients of the scholarship (i.e. minimum three years for doctoral students).
  • In the event that you do not complete the proposed course of study and where additional funding has been provided for the purchase of computer equipment and/or software and/or peripherals, the Foundation reserves the right to request that the cost of such items be reimbursed to the Foundation, less depreciation, within six months of the change of circumstances.