Small Grant Awards

The Foundation awards small grants of up to £10,000 twice per year. Application deadlines are:

  • April 1st
  • October 1st

HFF strongly recommends applying early for these grants to allow time for feedback on your application. Decisions on your grants will usually be made within 3 months of the application deadlines.

Grants are broadly considered within the three categories listed below. This funding can be used as the total direct costs of the work, a contribution to a larger project, or costs to seed a pilot study. Small Grant Awards only support direct costs but in the case of institutional applications overheads may be considered.

Please note that our grant programme is increasingly competitive. The Foundation has funds to support a limited number of applications in each funding cycle, only awarded to those applications deemed by the trustees to be of the highest standard. Repeat funding is considered for outstanding projects. However, unless there are exceptional circumstances, repeat funding will only apply for up to a maximum of three years.

Application Guidance

  1. Please carefully read the text under each application question for guidance.
  2. We suggest that you write longer text in a word document, in case of submission errors. Due to increased cyber attacks our website will occasionally rejects applications based on location. In this case, we recommend you use a VPN to change your location if possible.
  3. When attaching files to applications, please keep the file names simple and do not use spaces, dashes or special characters (eg. * / – _ : % )
  4. Please ensure that you receive an automatic confirmation email from HFF. Check your spam filters. The email will come from
  5. If you do not receive an automatic email, or having problems with this form, please contact Dani Newman.

Small Grant Application Form

  • 1. Your details:

  • Please give us your full name
  • 2. Previous Grants

  • If yes please tell us about the most recent grant awarded to you.
  • Please give the amounts in either GBP, EUR, USD, AUD, EGP
  • 3. Outline of your Project:

  • Using the numerical format for month/year
  • Using the numerical format for month/year
  • Please give the amounts in either GBP, EUR, USD, AUD, EGP
  • Please also note that if your application is successful this short project summary will form an initial statement of your research on the Foundation’s web site. Please include any appropriate images and plans. Upload them using the file upload button at the bottom of this form. Please name any files clearly.
  • Please identify the category that best describes your research proposal
  • The Foundation currently supports research, education and outreach initiatives primarily within the eastern Mediterranean, particularly Cyprus, Lebanon and Syria. The Trustees have been reviewing the activities of the Foundation, as it's now been some years since its launch. After a period of reflection, we feel the time has come to consolidate what we are doing, to develop some larger projects, and to concentrate our focus on the countries in the eastern Mediterranean where there are the greatest needs. Please identify the region of your research proposal
  • 4. Full description of your project

    Please complete each of the following boxes. Please note that each box has a maximum number of characters. Please try to avoid any repetition of information.
  • If possible, the Foundation encourages applicants to seek or indicate if they have already obtained, funding from other sources. If so how will the funding be apportioned. Please Note: HFF will not fund any institution overheads or any administration charges.
  • 5. Financial information and budget

    Provide a detailed estimate of costs and give the amounts in either GBP, EUR, USD, AUD, EGP. Please Note: Grant Awards will be made using current rate of exchange on the date of payment. In exceptional circumstances, requests for equipment purchase or preferably hire, will be considered for funding but an explanation of the importance and specific justification of their use in the project is required. Grants will not be awarded to cover institution overheads or administration charges. Note also HFF will review requests for salaries on a case by case basis.
  • Please give the amounts in either GBP, EUR, USD, AUD, EGP
  • Please give the amounts in either GBP, EUR, USD, AUD, EGP
  • 5.2 Please provide a breakdown of your budget using the categories below. Please give the amounts in either GBP, EUR, USD, AUD, EGP

  • Discretionary allowance

    In particular circumstances, HFF will consider an application for a small allowance to core team members to support lack of income, or in cases of length time commitment, in the delivery of the project. Consideration will be on a case-by-case basis and full justification/rationale for this allowance must be submitted along with the names and CVs of the person seeking support. This discretionary allowance is only for time spent in the field and data processing. Up to a maximum of 15% of the overall grant can be sought as allowance.
  • Please submit your budget document as an Excel spreadsheet and give amounts in either GBP, EUR, USD, AUD, EGP
    Accepted file types: xls, xlsx, Max. file size: 512 MB.
  • 6. Publications

    List up to four of your publications relevant to the project and list all unpublished fieldwork, including publications in preparation and in press.
  • 7. Referees

    Please list two referees whom you must contact directly and request a reference for your project to be sent directly to the Foundation by 1st April or 1st October (as appropriate for your grant deadline) using the HFF referee form. Please ensure you inform them in advance that you have provided their names and give them the deadlines in good time to ensure they can meet the strict deadline request. In addition, we may ask for additional expert advice on your application, if we feel that is necessary to the evaluation process. Please note your application will not be considered unless both references have been received by deadline date. Previous HFF grantees undertaking a new project will be required to submit references as per normal procedure.
  • Referee 1

  • Please give title and full name
  • Referee 2

  • Please give title and full name
  • Link to Referees Form

    It is your responsibility to ensure that your referees provide a reference by the relevant deadline. Please send them this link:
  • 8. Check List

  • Please Note: We expect you to have secured formal permission where necessary. The Foundation will not provide any grant award funds until you confirm all the permissions have been received if required.
  • Please title your documents clearly with the Project Title and your name. We require you to send us your 2 page CV in pdf format. Supporting images and diagrams can also be uploaded here (any images which you do not wish to be uploaded on the HFF website please label clearly 'not for web'). Please use the jpeg, gif, png or pdf format. Please note we do not accept applications or supporting documents other than through the use of the website.
    Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, pdf, Max. file size: 10 MB.
    • Thank you for completing this form

      When you are happy that the form is complete, use the Submit button to send your application. We will send you a copy as confirmation that we have received it.