The Department of Antiquities, Cyprus

The Department of Antiquities is responsible for the management of the archaeological heritage of Cyprus. The Department’s main areas of activity and responsibility are the following:

  • systematic and rescue excavations as well as archaeological surveys,
  • the establishment, management and operation of archaeological museums,
  • the conservation, restoration, protection and promotion of Ancient Monuments in the First and Second Schedule of the Antiquities Law, of archaeological sites and of monuments of architectural heritage.

The Foundation has provided a number of grants to the Department of Antiquities, Cyprus, click on the links below to find out more

Conservation of Underwater Finds

Since its establishment in 2008, the Conservation Laboratory for Underwater Finds of the Department of Antiquities has been treating finds from underwater surveys and those of the two systematic underwater excavations (Mazotos and Nissia Shipwrecks) currently taking place on the island…..

Cyprus Coastal Archaeology Project

With support from the Foundation the Department of Antiquities has launched the Cyprus Coastal Assessment Project (CCAP). The project has been developed as a response to increasing development in the coastal zone threatening underwater and coastal heritage and will start in May 2019….