Developing the Discipline Awards

Developing the Discipline Awards are ordinarily supported through the Small Grant Awards scheme, but in exceptional circumstances funds are awarded outside this scheme. Developing the Discipline Awards are not necessarily regionally specific but encourage the development of maritime archaeology and/ or the protection of underwater cultural heritage more broadly. They largely focus on the development of new technologies and methodologies that support maritime archaeological practise, as well as projects that develop aspects of Honor Frost’s research interests but with wider geographical reach. They also consider Capacity Building activities that are conducted outside the region, as well as activities that provide opportunities for scholars to meet and discuss the growth of maritime archaeology regionally and globally. 

Previous Projects:

Archaeological Theory in Maritime Archaeology Regional Research – Dr. Jorge Manuel Herrera – 2014-15

Bay of Kiladha – Dr. Julien Beck – Report 2016

Between Egypt and Crimea: the Isis trireme and its fresco – David Braund – 2014

Computer Vision Photogrammetry (CVP) for Maritime Archaeology Research and Public Outreach – Massimiliano Secci – 2015

Gyptis sailing trials campaign – Dr Patrice Pomey – 2015-16

Hellenistic Harbour at Ptolemais – Cyrenaica, Eastern Libya – Robert Yorke – 2014

Historical Evidence of Venetian Shipwrecks in the Eastern Mediterranean, 1453-1571 – Renard Gluzman

Protecting underwater cultural heritage in EU waters, a legal approach – Mariano Aznar- (2016-2017)

Salamis Harbour Project – Lolos – Report for 2016

The Analysis of Modern Documentation Methods: A Case Study of a Shipwreck off Veruda Island – Roman Scholz M.Sc. – 2016

The conservation of wooden artefacts in a maritime context – Jennifer Chow – 2013

The Underwater Cultural Heritage of the city of Nora (Sardinia). Phoenician and Punic finds from the explorations of Michel Cassien – Dr Emanuele Madrigali – 2015

World Anchors 2015-16 Reconstruction and Experimentation Project (WAREP) – Dr Greg Votruba and Osman Erkurt – 2015

A Prehistoric Entrance into Southern Crete, and the Conservation Program at Kommos Harbour – Professor Joe Shaw – 2016

Ancient Trade in the Fourni Archipelago, Dodecanese Islands – Dr Jeffery Royal & Peter Campbell – 2016

The Hellenistic transport amphoras from the excavation at the harbour of Phalasarna – Dr Pasquale Valle – 2015

Exploring the submerged caves and prehistoric landscapes of the Inner Ionian Sea Archipelago – Dr Nena Galanidou – 2014

Votive anchors, sacred stones and navigation: ancient aniconic cults between Archaeology and religious anthropology – Dr Valeria Tito – 2016

Seafaring in Eastern Mediterranean during the Early Middle Ages (VI – XII century) – Transition from Christianity to Islam and how it affected maritime activities – Darko Kovačević – 2016

The 2001 UNESCO Convention for the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage: Implementation and Enforcement in the Adriatic – Robert Mackintosh – 2016