Bursary Reporting

Please note that bursary reports are due within two weeks of completion of your activity. Please use the correct form.

Training Bursary: When you have received funding to participate in training or present at a conference.

Fieldwork Bursary: When have received funding to participate in fieldwork.

Conference/Training Attendance: When you have attended training or a conference sponsored by HFF but have not directly applied for funding from us. You will be directed to use this form from event organiser. 

HFF kindly asks that you fill in these forms with details and to the best of your ability. Guidance and some specific questions to consider are included under many questions. Reports that require more attention will be returned for re-submission.

Technical Guidance

  1. Please carefully read the text under each application question for guidance.
  2. We suggest that you write longer text in a word document, in case of submission errors. Due to increased cyber attacks our website will occasionally rejects applications based on location. In this case, we recommend you use a VPN to change your location if possible. 
  3. When attaching files to applications, please keep the file names simple and do not use spaces, dashes or special characters (eg. * / – _ : % )
  4. Please ensure that you receive an automatic confirmation email from HFF. Check your spam filters. The email will come from info@honorfrostfoundation.org

If you do not receive an automatic email, or having problems with this form, please contact Dani Newman.