Fieldwork Bursary Report

As a condition of receiving a Fieldwork Bursary from the Foundation we request that you complete a Report upon completion of the fieldwork, the deadline for this will be sent with your approval documentation. Failure to do so will mean no further funding can be considered and we will request that the grant awarded be returned to the Foundation.

Extracts from the report may be published on the Foundation website along with any images sent so please ensure you have correct copyright permissions to use them. 

Fieldwork Bursary Report Form

  • DD slash MM slash YYYY
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Please provide a summary of the fieldwork you participated in, this may be used on the HFF website so please include some background to the project, what your role was, what you learnt from the project and how this has benefitted you.
  • Max. file size: 512 MB.
    Please provide up to 3 images from the fieldwork project, these may be used on the HFF website so ensure you have the correct copyright permissions
  • Max. file size: 512 MB.
    Please upload an excel spreadsheet with a breakdown of your expenditure against your original budget.