HFF would like to offer a huge congratulations to Noran Hamed for successfully defending her thesis and graduating from the University of Southampton.

Noran’s research project focuses on the archaeological heritage of the western coast of the Red Sea in Egypt. It discusses sustainable management strategies for the archaeological sites through adaptive reuse, public presentation, and community engagement, aiming to develop a better public interpretation of the Red Sea maritime heritage narratives. You can read more about here research here.

The committee comprised Prof Johnathan Adams (Professor of Maritime Archaeology at the University of Southampton – Internal Examiner) and Prof Pierre Tallet (Professor of Egyptology at Université Paris Sorbonne, Director of the Institut Français d’Archéologie Orientale in Cairo – External Examiner) in the presence of Prof Lucy Blue (Professor of Maritime Archaeology at the University of Southampton, Archaeology Director of the Honor Frost Foundation – Main Supervisor)

During the viva, the committee examined Noran’s doctoral thesis, discussed the different aspects and details of the research with her, and then concluded in its final decision that the doctoral thesis should pass with no corrections.

Best of luck with your future endeavours, Noran. We can’t wait to see your future contributions to maritime archaeology in the region!

HFF Scholar Noran Hamed successfully defends thesis!