Filip Hajek – 2020 – University of Cyprus MA Scholar

Cyprus Masters StudentThe Programme Field Archaeology on Land and under the Sea is the great opportunity to discover aspects of coastal and maritime archaeology in both theoretical and practical ways. Each course enabled me to get a background and basic knowledge for various topics, which subsequently facilitated the determination of my interests and further steps in my studies. Essays and presentations, as an inseparable part of the courses, taught me to work effectively and how scientific papers and presentations shall be like and thus prepared me for my future career in academia. The aim of my MA thesis is to reconstruct the coastal landscape and the paleocoastline at the Late Neolithic site of Paralimni Nissia and to reveal the relation between the site and the sea. I am grateful to have been a recipient of the HFF scholarship as it allowed me to fully focus on my studies, my underwater survey at Paralimni Nissia under the supervision of Stella Demesticha, and on my thesis itself.

Filip Hajek – 2020