Elissa Nader - 2019 - AUB Scholar

I have recently completed the minor program in Marine Science and Culture at the American University of Beirut. The program included various aspects related to maritime archaeology, an introduction to maritime archaeology, marine techniques in prospecting & mapping and maritime archeology fieldwork.
The fieldwork course included methodologies on how to conduct both coastal and marine surveys, processing data, how to use QGIS for obtaining georeferenced maps with satellite imagery so we can create survey grids to locate features. The last section of the course was how to use photogrammetry for archaeology documentation and creating 3D models, where I happily created my first 3D object https://skfb.ly/ooHxH.

The final course assignments included solving and analyzing problems related to archaeology fieldwork and probabilistic sampling, in addition to practicing QGIS and photogrammetry. The fieldwork course was accompanied with dive training, the Open Water Diver course, theory and practice. I had the chance to experience the underwater environment, learn several skills and visit some modern wrecks.

In addition, I had the chance to participate in several bursaries organized by the Nautical Archaeology Society with grants that I also received from the Honor Frost Foundation. The bursaries included the big anchor project, finds’ conservation, illustration and principles of drawing and public engagement.
I strongly believe that the HFF is playing a key role in the region and was able to appreciate its efforts in sustainable capacity building. With the minor and the trainings that I kindly received support for, I understood their objective in helping people from the middle east to learn, gain skills and put their ambition toward maritime archaeology into action.

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