Open Access Award

This grant is offered to support authors who otherwise would not be able to publish their research as Open Access articles. If successful, the grant will cover the article processing charges (APCs) often required by many journals and publications. Application is restricted to those publishing peer-reviewed articles directly related to maritime archaeological research in the eastern Mediterranean. You can see previous examples of supported work here.

Application Notes

  • HFF will only consider applications from authors who do not have eligible Open Access funding in their research award or whose institutions do not provide Open Access funding.
  • The grant is restricted to those journals that are listed in the Scientific Journal Rankings (SJR) as Q1 or Q2 for Archaeology.
  • Unless there are exceptional circumstances only one Open Access Grant will be awarded per project.
  • The grant is only for Open Access fees – other charges such as colour, page and submission fees must be funded from elsewhere.
  • Articles must be published with a CC-BY licence (Creative Commons Attribution) and authors will be asked to acknowledge the support of HFF.

You should apply for an HFF Open Access grant as soon as your article has been accepted for publication in a peer-reviewed journal. If your application for the HFF Open Access grant is successful, the funds will be paid directly to the journal.

Application Guidance

  1. Please carefully read the text under each application question for guidance.
  2. We suggest that you write longer text in a word document, in case of submission errors. Due to increased cyber attacks our website will occasionally rejects applications based on location. In this case, we recommend you use a VPN to change your location if possible.
  3. When attaching files to applications, please keep the file names simple and do not use spaces, dashes or special characters (eg. * / – _ : % )
  4. Please ensure that you receive an automatic confirmation email from HFF. Check your spam filters. The email will come from

If you do not receive an automatic email, or having problems with this form, please contact Dani Newman.

Open Access Grant application

  • Your contact details

  • Publication details

    Please tick one box
  • Please provide an abstract (100-200 words) summarising the introduction, methods, results and conclusions of your article.
  • Please not unless there are exceptional circumstances only one Open Access Grant will be awarded per project.
  • Research funding

  • Max. file size: 10 MB.
    Please upload your article as a single pdf file including illustrations and tables