Large Grant Awards – Final Report and Financial Summary
As a condition of receiving a grant we request you complete a progress report along with a financial report annually (for projects of more than one year) along with a final report and financial report at the end of the project, both forms can be found below.The deadline for submitting the reports will have been provided with your approval letter. Both forms need to be submitted prior to funding for the next year being approved and prior to any further grant application being considered.
Guidelines for submitting the Final Report:
- Details from the final report are intended to be published on the HFF website, therefore please ensure you provide enough background and context to the project,
- Ensure all images, site plans, models etc. all have the correct copyright permissions and that you have permission to share them, if you do not want any images to be published on the website make this clear in the reporting form.
- All reports will be reviewed and compared to the original application form so ensure that you provide detail on all elements of the project which the HFF funding was awarded for.
At the bottom of the form is the option to Save and Continue Later, you will be asked to enter your email address and sent a link to access the form again.
Large Grant Reporting Form
Form to be completed after each year of the project and at the end of the project
Note: if you select save and continue later please make sure you copy the link or enter your email address in to the box which comes up in order to receive the link to continue with the form.
Guidelines for submitting the Financial Report:
- Submit financial breakdown of actual costs incurred with as much detail as possible.
- All expenses listed to be converted to the currency used for the award and using the rate of exchange at the time of expenditure.
- Keep all receipts on file for a two year period from the date of your Final Report submission. During these two years HFF will randomly select individuals and request these hard copies be sent to the HFF office for inspection.
- Any underspend at the end of the project must be returned to the Honor Frost Foundation immediately.
Large Grant Financial Report Form
Form to be completed after each year of the project and upon completion