Whose Ocean is it anyway? Why Ocean Heritage Matters for Climate
Change Mitigation – A COP 27 Virtual Event
Date: Wednesday, 9th November 2022, 9:00 AM -10:30 AM CET
Location: COP27 Virtual Ocean Pavilion
Organisers: Cultural Heritage Framework Programme (CHFP), & Edinburgh Marine Archaeology (University of Edinburgh)
Natural and Cultural Heritage, Traditional Knowledge, Coastal Communities, Climate Change Mitigation, Marine Cultural Heritage, Marine Resource Management, Coastal and Marine Law and Policy, Sustainable Development
The effects of a changing climate are disproportionately affecting coastal communities in the global south. Yet, when climate mitigation plans are put in place, they typically follow western frameworks which often disregard the role of coastal and marine heritage and heritage practices in ocean resource use and sustainability. This event will present the essential role played by marine natural and cultural heritage for sustainable and effective climate action towards mitigation and adaptation strategies in the coastal and marine zone, for the benefit of the people who depend on it. The panel will be hosted by the Ocean Decade Heritage Network’s (ODHN) Cultural Heritage Framework Programme (CHFP), an official Action of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development 2021-2030, and the only Action that addresses cultural heritage in the marine sphere.
About Us
The primary ambition of ODHN is that by the end of the UN Ocean Decade, the historical dimension of people’s relationships with the sea must be integrated within ocean science and policy. The ‘ocean we want’ will be inspired and informed by the long and diverse histories and living heritage of people and the sea. Cultural heritage can and will contribute effectively to sustainable development over the course of the UN Ocean Decade. The impacts of Decade Actions relating to cultural heritage will be greater together than they would be individually. As such, the primary aim of CHFP is to assist and support cultural heritage and marine science researchers, policy makers, and stakeholders in enacting this transformation through their proposed Decade Actions (programmes, projects, and activities).
To attend, please register at https://cop27oceanpavilion.vfairs.com/, and enter the Conference Pavillion. Once there go to “Auditorium”, then “Daily Programme”. You will see the event under day “9 November: Financing and Public Education” theme, at 9 am Egyptian time.