The Kyrenia Ship Conservation Project - 2015-18

Helena, Robin and Owen cleaning the 1:1 scale ship model (Photograph courtesy of Veronica Ford 2018).

The Kyrenia Ship and the objects found associated with it are regarded as one of the foremost archaeological shipwreck finds in the world. Both the reassembled Hull and the plethora of ceramics, amphorae, copper-alloy finds, lead objects and organics have and still do provide archaeologists, researchers, scholars, museum professionals and the public with a wealth of information pertaining to Hellenistic-era life and trading in Cyprus and the Eastern Mediterranean. Additionally, this Collection holds immeasurable importance, pride and value to those not just residing in Cyprus, but all over the world. That the Collection was at serious risk of damage and actively deteriorating was sincerely concerning. With the lack of preventive and remedial care and the elevated risk of damage due to the lack of climate control, if action was not taken, precious information could be lost and the Collection would suffer as a result. Future generations may never understand or be able to enjoy all that this wonderful archaeological find has to offer. In 2015, the Foundation provided support for the Kyrenia Ship Conservation Project. 

Reports from the project which ran from 2015 to 2018 can be found below;

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