HFF Scholar Omaima Eldeeb successfully completed her PhD at Flinders University!

“It is an absolute privilege to have been an Honor Frost Foundation (HFF) supported scholars. My PhD thesis and research project would have been impossible without the generous financial support from the HFF. My PhD study focussed on the amphorae/ceramics collections from ancient shipwrecks along Egypt’s Alexandria coastline. In my study I applied a network analysis approach to investigate Alexandria’s changing commercial ties and trade networks from the Hellenistic period until the late Roman period.

My PhD study aimed to track the changes in the maritime trade network overtime between Alexandria and the rest of the Mediterranean Basin. It provided a better understanding of Alexandria’s economy and how it was integrated within the broader Mediterranean world. It quantified the economic implications of these interactions and other commercial connectivity. Furthermore, employing a network analysis approach as an interpretive framework, the temporal, spatial and cultural data extracted from the various assemblages was used to draw conclusions on maritime trade and its impact on ancient Alexandria.”

Omaima Eldeeb – 2016-2020 University of Flinders HFF Scholar

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