HFF Steering Committee advisor Antony Firth attends the GLobal Ocean Social Sciences (GLOSS) event on behalf of the Ocean Decade Heritage Network

The Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (the ‘Ocean Decade’) is a UN initiative for the period 2021-2030 that is currently in its planning phase. Limited reference to cultural heritage in their planning documents led to the development of the Ocean Decade Heritage Network (ODHN). The GLobal Ocean Social Sciences (GLOSS) event was organised to help steer the Ocean Decade with respect to the human dimension of our seas. The technical advisor to the HFF Steering Committee on UCH – Antony Firth – attended the GLOSS event on behalf of the ODHN in order to ensure that Underwater Cultural Heritage was incorporated in the marine social science agenda.

Read more in Antony’s blog about the event here

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