Lucy Semaan - 2015-2018 - University of Balamand Post Doctoral Fellowship

Dr Lucy Semaan undertaking photogrammetry in 2019

The HFF-UOB Post-Doctoral Fellowship (PDF) that was granted to Lucy Semaan for a period of three years, from November 2015 to October 2018, was the first initiative of its kind by HFF in Lebanon. The research was undertaken under the joint supervision of Dr. Nadine PanayotHaroun, head of the Department of Archaeology and Museology (DAM) at the University of Balamand (UOB), Lebanon, and Dr. Lucy Blue, Director of the Centre for Maritime Archaeology (CMA) at the University of Southampton (UOS), UK. The main research interest of this PDF considers the development, significance, and affordances of the seascape of the ancient site of Anfeh, in North Lebanon; and looks into how people used and modified this seascape through time. This PDF also contributes to capacity building in the field of maritime archaeology in Lebanon, one of the Honor Frost Foundation main goals.

Dr Lucy Semaan now works as part of the HFF Lebanon team. 

Click here to read the full report from Lucy Semaan

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